X3-014: Spotlight: Tor Lundvall

January 2, 2010

Kicking off the New Year with a new feature on the X3 – we call it “3×1” cuz it sounds fancy. Three tracks from one featured artist. Today, we’re gonna hear some amazing ambient works from TOR LUNDVALL. A track from Tor’s ‘Yule’ CD was featured last episode, and we had to bring him back for more.

In this episode:

1. Scrap Yard, from the CD ‘Empty City’
2. Empty Streets, from the CD “Insect Wings, Leaf Matter & Broken Twigs”
3. 29 (Single Version), from “The Seasons Unfold” sampler

Tor’s compositions are often described as “dark ambient”. Of his music, Tor says, “I suppose one could call it ‘ghost ambient’! I approach my music in a visual way, starting with a very basic idea and slowly building on it. The tracks are essentially paintings with music and their titles usually reflect the contents. I have also gained a new respect for the piano over the past several years, which plays a major part in my recordings. Although I tend to use electronics and samplers, I always approach music in a natural, organic way. All samples are created at home, usually in the bedroom. I loathe patch presets and use them only rarely. In fact the process of recording is so complex, that the ‘equipment used’ section printed in my CD booklets is basically useless. I find that my recent recordings are becoming progressively more instrumental and ambient in nature, although the music still retains a strong sense of melody. As with my paintings, my music has always existed in a private world of its own.”

To top it off, Tor is also an accomplished painter, with a B.A. in studio art. His canvases often depict serene environments with an underlying sense of menace, which in fact, fit perfectly with his music!

Hear more from Tor Lundvall and be sure to check out his visual works – http://www.torlundvall.com.

Photo (c) Tor Lundvall, “Settler’s Study 4” painting.

Keep on listening…

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