X3-045: The “suspended.Lucidity” World Premiere

May 11, 2015

It’s the World Premiere of SUSPENDED.LUCIDITY, the new album from dark ambient artist PETER EDWARDS AMBIENT, exclusively on the X3!
Catch the audio after the jump

It’s an ode to all things ethereal, mysterious, alien, mathematical… over an hour of ambient electronic sounds that guide you through  a dark sonic landscape from which you may – or may not -want to return.

0005024486_10If you’re a numbers person, you’ll appreciate the secret messages embedded in the CD packaging – if you can decipher them that is. The album is also available on a special Limited Edition USB Card in high-quality uncompressed format, complete with bonus tracks.

suspended.Lucidity is now available direct from Peter Edwards Ambient, also on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby and wherever unusual waveforms are dispersed. You can also hear the entire album streaming all week long on Radio Mystic.

Don’t miss our short, frustrating and slightly informative interview with Peter – he talks about all the secrets embedded in the album, upcoming projects, the reality of being a soulless cyborg and more – check it out here.

Wanna get social? Find Peter Edwards Ambient on Facebook, Soundcloud, Google+Youtube and Instagram.



01 p.CTC
02 dark.City
03 ion.Storm
04 mercury.Rises
05 555
06 arcane.Notations
07 night.Movements
08 distorted.Realities
09 message.Five
10 ether.Wave

podcast 150511

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