by Radio Mystic | Jun 6, 2016 | Ambient, Electronic, IDM, Podcasts, Soundscapes, X3
Music from SONANAUT is the spotlight in today’s episode of the X3. Simon Smart, aka Sonanaut, resides in New York but is originally from the UK, and has been composing music for over 25 years. His new album, ‘Whisper Truth to Power’, is a fantastic...
by Radio Mystic | May 11, 2016 | News, Website Updates
Hello… anybody there? Yup – still alive and kickin’ here at Radio Mystic – thanks for all the emails and messages on our Facebook page, gang. I know our 2016 podcast releases have been, um, SPARSE to say the least! Ever since the demise of our...
by Radio Mystic | Apr 15, 2016 | Ambient, Atmospheric, Dark Ambient, Electronic, Podcasts, X3
Back in action just in time to take your mind off the dreaded tax crunch! Brand new ambient music tracks from quite a few artists today – including a sneak preview from the upcoming EP by Coolambient (aka Peter Edwards Ambient ) – so kick back and let the...
by Radio Mystic | Mar 2, 2016 | News
It’s been a wild winter here at the radio ranch with the loss of our beloved internet radio stations just a couple of months ago – and needless to say I’m looking forward to Spring and a fresh start! I’ve been clearing out clutter around the...
by Radio Mystic | Jan 15, 2016 | Ambient, Atmospheric, Dark Ambient, Electronic, X3
Our first show of the new year features ambient instrumentals, downtempo electronics, lush vocal tracks, and coffee. Well, the coffee’s here on my desk, but I’ll drink an extra cup for ya. That’s how I roll 🙂 Enjoy the music! Datadrift – Winter...